Snow Removal

Snow and ice removal is not just an aesthetic issue for property owners–it’s a safety imperative that actually carries financial and legal ramifications. In other words, properly removing snow and ice from pedestrian areas isn’t a choice, it’s a necessity.

CMS’s snow removal services cover all the required steps: shoveling walkways, clearing sidewalks, treating ice patches, and making all entryways and perimeters accessible for the safe entrance and exit of your clients, customers, delivery people, and employees. We also plow parking lots, loading zones, drive-throughs, access roads, and any other applicable areas, which further reduces the safety risks and weather-related accidents to which both low-traffic and high-traffic areas are vulnerable.

Snow and ice mandates apply equally to both big business and small business. The little shop around the corner and the mom-and-pop hardware store on Main Street bear the same responsibility to ensure safe passage amid winter conditions as hospitals, retail centers, residential communities, and vast office parks. You must protect yourself and you must protect your patrons.

When CMS handles all aspects of snow and ice removal on your property, you comply with local regulations, you avoid fines and violations, and mostly importantly, you uphold the safekeeping of your material and human resources. You can put your trust in us to safeguard the people who trust you.